The Penny Arcade crew and the talented Cubeecraft have teamed up to create a fun little set of papercraft for Penny Arcade's game; On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Whew, quite a mouthful! Not only are you getting free papercraft out of this deal, there is also a competition to enter. Create a scene from the game using the papercraft - photograph it, send it in and win stuff. Couldn't be easier!
Check out the papercraft and the rules here.
HI!!!! really nice blog you have here :)
I´m passing to salute you and invite you and your viewers to visit my blog too, www.papercraft-arg.com.ar it's a new papercraft blog in spanish...
In Poland we also have paper craft projects. Look at Mr Buka and his cat. They are awesome! http://buka-studio.com/BU-KA.pdf
UR blog is awesome!
hi guys, would you mind linking back to my paper craft site too?
moar posts please! :)
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