In my humble opinion a lot of folks slept on the gamecube this console generation, yeah it didn't have the same amount of games as the ps2 but there were some classics, Pikmin, Animal Crossing and the ever wonderful Super Smash Bros. In celebration of the grape box here's a gamecube papercraft to build and show your friends: yeah I like the gamecube, so what?
Grab it here, (scroll down and you will see the link) enjoy!
There's something very charming to me about how real this papercraft looks in the end. I mean, it's a simple cube, of course, but the texture detail is quite high-quality. Plus, it's practically the exact same size as an actual gamecube. I don't know, it's just fun making "fake" gamecubes XD
can I get a 1- page, no download version of this? pretty please?
I cant agree with you more about the gamecube (in my opinon is 100% better than the wii!) with games like this
pikmin 1 and 2
super smash bros melee
the leggend of zelda wind waker and twilight princess
mario kart double dash!!
sonic mega collection
animal crossing
ssx tricky
super mario sunshine
ray man 3 hoodlum havoc
starfox adventures
and luigi's mansion.
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