Of all the things to make a paper model out of, the people at Recortables.net have created a hilarious President of the United States papercraft - ol' chimpy McGee himself - bloodied axe and world in hand, that's not all there is to find at this great little papercraft site though, we also have a (very evil looking) Pope Benedict model, the King of Spain, the Prime Minister of Spain and of course Osama Bin Laden (which sadly doesn't seem to be available for download yet).
These are great looking models which you can grab here.
Awesome post, Political Papercraft - I've seen it all now!
So lifelike...this should be someone's fourth of july or thanksgiving centerpiece...
Hahahahaa....that is the perfect paper structure to describe him.
Let's see one of "Queen" Hillary. Preferably with the world at her feet.
You can download the Bin Laden one - just click on the link!
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